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Rob Kardashian went on a bizarre, explicit and hypocritical rant after Blac Chyna cheated on him

Rob Kardashian is the definition of messy.

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna host Memorial Day Weekend - Las Vegas Source: SIPA USA/PA Images

FOR SEVERAL HOURS yesterday, Rob Kardashian was uploading a string of naked photos of his ex-girlfriend Blac Chyna to his Instagram account without her consent.

These photos were punctuated by screenshots of him ranting on his phone about how terrible her behaviour towards him and her children had been.

Twitter allowed the background character from reality TV show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, who has 30 million followers, to post revenge porn for thirty minutes before intervening. Instagram reacted equally as slowly.

This is a major safety and privacy issue that everyone should be concerned about, regardless of whose side you take in this argument.

The hypocrisy of his rant is slightly unbelievable.

The basic gist of the story is that Rob had spent a lot of money on getting Blac Chyna plastic surgery and jewellery over the course of their relationship and she then went on to cheat on him.

People cheat on their partners every single day of the week. Men cheat, women cheat, everyone in between cheats.

While it’s an unfortunate fact of life, it’s not illegal to cheat on someone. Infidelity does not warrant abuse of any kind, be it physical, psychological or anything else you can come up with.

It’s not justification to release nude photos of your partner. While everything he shared during the rant was fairly disturbing this conversation he posted is especially uncomfortable.

rob censored

It is obviously censored, but it’s worth looking at the thread of text messages in contrast to the caption that he gave it. He begins his rant with “This is from Chyna yesterday to me. I never been so disrespected in my life. I just bought her 250k of jewellery yesterday.”

The reason he is annoyed is because Chyna went on to have sex with another man after sending Rob this picture, which really doesn’t seem like a big deal because Rob is the one who begged for the photograph in the first place.

She didn’t just decide to lead him on out of nowhere, he asked her three times – with a great sense of urgency – to send him a naked photograph.

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna host Memorial Day Weekend - Las Vegas Source: EMPICS Entertainment

The most incomprehensible aspect of this situation is the fact that Rob Kardashian is angry about money.

He’s angry that he has voluntarily funded Chyna’s lifestyle. He paid for plastic surgery for her, he paid for jewellery for her and now he somehow believes that because of that, he owns her body. Shit one for him that he wasted his money, but she doesn’t owe him anything.

Sorry Rob Kardashian, but Blac Chyna is entitled to have sex with anybody that she wants. You may think she betrayed him, but it happens to regular people every day of the week and they don’t get a pass on posting revenge porn, just the same way that people don’t get a pass on domestic violence if a partner cheats.

It’s still totally unacceptable behaviour and extremely manipulative and abusive.

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna host Memorial Day Weekend - Las Vegas Source: Zuma Press/PA Images

How Rob Kardashian dealt with this situation was shockingly immature.

Blasting someone on social media for cheating isn’t the problem. Plenty of people call out cheaters without completely violating their privacy and safety by releasing photographs and personal details like phone numbers.

Rob Kardashian is totally unable to recognise the fact that it’s very irrational for him to be angry at Blac Chyna for receiving money and gifts from him. Money and gifts that he only has the ability to offer her because he’s completely funded by his sister Kim, from when she was a victim of the exact same thing that he is doing to Chyna.

Don’t hate women for taking your money, when you wouldn’t even have money without women in the first place.

17th Annual BET Awards - Los Angeles Source: Ariana Ruiz

Rob Kardashian’s career has been documented pretty well in Keeping Up With The Kardashians and apart from being on the bankroll of his mother and five sisters, he has done nothing to make money for himself apart from launching a sock line.

Have you ever seen a Rob Kardashian sock? Yeah. That’s how successful it was.

There’s absolutely no shame in living off of the earnings of a female family member whatsoever, but the problem here is that Rob’s angry about paying for Chyna’s surgery and jewellery, despite the fact that it wasn’t his money he paid for it with.

Reiterating this one last time: Rob Kardashian only has money because someone shamed his sister for being naked and having sex and she managed to build a career off the back of it. He has no right to be frustrated at Chyna over the fact that he willingly handed her money (that he likely received from his mam).

CA: The 2017 MAXIM Hot 100 Party - Arrivals Source: SIPA USA/PA Images

He also made claims that Blac Chyna was taking drugs in front of their child.

If that’s true, that’s horrible but the line of action to take her is to contact child services or the police, not post naked photos of her that he begged for on his Instagram.

Some people genuinely believe that Chyna using drugs in front of a child is justification for Rob behaving this way.

There’s no solid evidence to prove that this ever really happened, so don’t go congratulating Rob on his revenge just yet.

17th Annual BET Awards - Los Angeles Source: Javier Rojas

There appears to be an interesting intersection between people who think Rob did the right thing, considering the accusations of drug use, and people who would say we shouldn’t believe allegations that women make about violence inflicted on their own bodies without physical evidence.

Even more interestingly, we’re seeing lots of commentary defending Rob, coming largely from people who would respond with “Am I supposed to know who Rob Kardashian is?” to any time Rob is mentioned in the other eleven months of the year.

It’s amazing that now that defending Rob Kardashian leaking revenge porn is an outlet for misogyny and victim blaming, people who are otherwise very dismissive of the Kardashians suddenly care about the least well-known family member.

Says it all really.

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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